Experience in Billings,by Go Takita

 Hello, I’m Go.We came to Billings, Montana to study English at the IELP at msu-Billings.We study English Monday to Thursday at 9am to 2pm. Friday is play day, we can do a lot of activities with classmates.  This blog will tell you our experiences while studying.
 On first weekend, I contributed to volunteer. I painted inside wall of someone's house. I was exhausted by the work. However, I had a good time because I could speak with a lot of people who were working together.
 On second weekend, I went to theater with my host family. We saw "How to Train Your Dragon", which is a movie about a world in which dragons are exist. Actually I have read the story when I was a elementary student. So I was really glad to see it.
 In the school program, we did a lot of activities. For example, we made a pizza, went to downtown, played bowling, etc.
These are activities which I have experienced. We had nice days in Billings.



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